Kitten Reservation

Wait List Information

What is the process to get on the Wait List?

It all begins with the submission of our Kitten Inquiry form that is located on our Contact Page. After that, we will reach out to you via email to ask any follow up questions. Once all questions are answered, a non-refundable deposit of $100 is secured.

How does the Wait List work?

Once a name is put on the Wait List, kittens are reserved based on kitten availability, color preference, and sex preference. Once a litter is born, we reach out to our next customers on the wait list and offer specific kitten reservations. At that point, our customer has 24 hours to decide if they would like to reserve that specific kitten. If a reservation is selected, we then work to secure an additional $300 non-refundable deposit.

How do I pay?

We accept cash or Venmo at this time.

Does the wait list deposit and reservation deposit go towards the final pet price?

Yes, both deposits go towards the final pet price.

Contract Example