Kings & Queens



Male - Silver Mackerel Tabby

Genetic Testing

Winter; a strong boned, loving, talkative, gentle male that is always inquisitive. Winter is the perfect gentleman and always has a kind demeanor. His large stature may be intimidating, but his gentle soul comforts.


Miss Mittens

Female - Brown Classic Tabby with White

Genetic Testing

Miss Mittens; a loving, nurturing mother that loves to jump and play. Miss Mittens is our most athletic cat with a need to always be airborne. She hasn’t found a bug she cant catch or a laser she cant find. Miss Mittens is our Alpha female in the house, but has the most loving personality.



Female - Black Smoke

Genetic Testing

Stormy; a affectionate, strong willed, food lover. She never misses a meal and is driven towards food like she is spayed. Stormy has a wonderful demeanor and seeks attention and affection from her chosen person. She can be called from the other side of the house and comes running with ever so faint “chirps of joy”.

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Female - Brown Patched Tabby with White

Genetic Testing

Pumpkin; an independent, tender, strong statured Maine Coon. She loves to hunt bugs and cuddles on her own terms. While Pumpkin does not like being picked up, she does enjoy being close and affectionate. She prefers the taste of dry food over anything wet and is often called our “prettiest” cat.



Female - Black Silver Classic Tabby

Genetic Testing

Kai; sweet and spicy. She has never met a toy she hasn’t liked. Her favorite activity is running through the house with her siblings like a herd of elephants.


Retired - Luna

Female - Black Smoke

Genetic Testing

Luna; playful and loves to eat. We knew immediately that Luna had to be a part of our family. She got her desire to eat from her mom, and she has a wonderful, intelligent personality.